Imagine if you could deliver a message with your literal voice, saying exactly what you want to say to the person you’re trying to reach at scale. Whether it’s to 1 number or 1,000,000 numbers. If you want to learn how to leave a voicemail without calling in Australia, you can do it with Straight2Voicemail.
Whether your Voicemail drop is for a:
- limited time promotion or sale
- new product drop
- appointment reminder
- thank you message
- review request
- recruiting
- customer support and 1-on-1 customer interaction
You can have your voice delivered at scale, around the world and completely automated at the press of a button.
Every product and service needs a strategy that automizes messaging, delivery, and customer feedback. Email works, but is subject to spam folders. Cold calls are great, but most unrecognized numbers go straight to voicemail anyways.
That’s where we come in! We help you with automating your text message and voicemail drop broadcasts!
The awesome part about sending Voicemail Drop campaigns is that the voicemail works like a back-door text message.

Most smartphones transcribe voicemails for users to read first, and this feature is getting better and better.
If you’re someone who is just starting on in the Voicemail Drop and SMSM broadcasting game, make sure you’re first few sentences or words in your Voicemails are getting straight to the point!
Because it’ highly likely that your voicemails are being read first being they get listed to.
Think of the first few words in your voicemail drop like a subject line or excerpt in an email or ad. Make it relevant, familiar, and with a clear call-to-action.
Here’s how to leave a voicemail without calling in Australia, New Zealand, and North America.
1. Create an account here at Straight2Voicemail and receive 10 free credits.
2. Upload your number or list of numbers to broadcast your voicemail.
3. Call your phone to record your voicemail mp3 file or upload it to your dashboard.
4. Activate the number you want the Voicemail number to come from.
5. Press send or schedule your message and your voicemail will automatically be delivered to as many numbers as you want.
Direct To Voicemail Drop Campaigns are a great way to broadcast your message to leads, customers, and clients whose relationships you want to support and nurture.
Everyone is within reach, our system also allows you to choose to deliver a text message if the recipient does not have a voicemail setup.
The reality is, people, want to hear from you. It’s just harder because there is just so much noise.
Deliver timely updates, promos, and info direct to their mailbox so they can listen to what you want to say when they’re ready.
Many business owners and agents have found success with a combination of both Text Messages and Voicemail broadcasts especially when there is a time-sensitive message like a promotion, hot new product, or upcoming event.
In closing, if you’re looking to get your message heard, and want to use a tool that performs better than email and direct response ads, add Straight2Voicemail to automate your outreach and marketing.
If you want to call straight to someone’s voicemail, you can create a monthly or prepaid plan that covers your Australia, New Zealand, and North America broadcasts.
With our ultra-competitive and match pricing, and charges-only-on-successful-delivery guarantee, we can work together to make sure you’re VM and SMS strategies boost your overall key performance metrics while helping you with marketing your products and services.
Get 10 Free Voicemail Drop & SMS Credits!
Sign up to start your first text message or voicemail drop campaign and get 10 free credits on us!

Have Questions?
On the fence about text message and voicemail drop marketing? Check out our FAQ page here.